Psychostick LLC

"Dichotomies: Lessons from a College Life on Tour" Book

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Alex's first book! Download a FREE chapter here.

In this unique memoir, the author reveals his struggles and triumphs as a touring musician pursuing a college education. From 2011-2017, Alex Dontre performed 505 concerts with his band Psychostick while simultaneously enrolled in rigorous online courses. It culminated with a master's degree in Business Psychology from Franklin University, at which time he gave the commencement speech at his graduation as valedictorian.

Book Length: 188 pages
Release Date:
November 25, 2019

Every physical book comes with complementary digital download.

Digital downloads (ePUB & PDF) available immediately upon purchase. PDF contains new foreword by Thomas Drinnen of URIZEN, plus 2 brand new chapters (Mind the Gap; Chapter 2020).

“A remarkable first-person odyssey of a young touring musician who artfully combines his comedy rock music performances with completing demanding, long distance, higher education studies. Dontre offers a living, often humorous, and sometimes bawdy, chronicle of memorable characters he meets on the road.”

Ray Forbes, Ph.D., Chair, M.S. in Business Psychology, Franklin University

“I feel stuck between a rock and a hard place and cannot decide if this book is funny or insightful. As inferred from its title, that's probably because it is both.”

Mats E. Eriksson, Ph.D., author of Another Primordial Day, Professor of Paleontology, Lund University

“This is a must-read for any potential college student who thinks that they can't do it, whatever the reason. ‘I'm not the college type... I'm too (fill in the blank...).’ After 20 years of teaching, Alex has motivated me to work harder to be a source of motivation to my future students.”

Kristan Jones, Ph.D., Professor of Business Psychology, Franklin University

“On tour, while the rest of us were crapping, napping, fapping or gormandizing, Alex was studying and working on speeches for his degree. It doesn’t end there, then he would play a flawless set every night on the drums…he’s a badass dude with a heart of gold.”

Todd Smith, Dog Fashion Disco, Polkadot Cadaver, & Knives Out

“I will never forget walking off a soundcheck to find Alex’s face lit by his laptop while working on a psychology paper. Usually the few times I have seen people whip out laptops on tour is to pay their bills, Skype with the family, or to check in with their probation officers, and not to write academic articles.”

Niklas Karvonen, Ph.D., Machinae Supremacy, CTO of Substorm

“Every touring musician understands the difficulty of maintaining a life on the road and a life back at home. Alex decided to do both at the same time, and I’m not sure if that makes him brilliant or deranged.”

Daniel Drinnen, M.A., URIZEN

“Sex, drugs, and rock and roll is a tired cliché. Alex is a perfect example of a man with concrete goals, willing to utilize technology and time management to plan for his future.”

Neil Patterson, Downtown Brown

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Type: Paperback + Download